Primary School in Barba Roja, San Franscico, El Salvador, C.A.

Barba Roja in San Franscico Gotera, Departamento Morazon El Salvador is a 2 room primary school with one teacher for 30 children. He teaches the 1st grade to 5th grade in 2 classrooms, going from 1 room to the other, under the program Escuela Unitaria in which one teacher teaches several grades simultaneously.  The teacher has just 2-3 months to teach the 1st grade students to read and write and then the best students from the 1st grades are promoted to the 2nd level.  This school does not have books nor electricity.  He has children in the morning and another group in the afternoon.  He is also in charge of cooking a light meal for the children. The teacher asked CliniCASA to help secure the storage shed where he stored rice for the children’s meal.  This storage shed did not have a door which was an open invitation for thieves to steal the food, which they had done.  CliniCASA was happy to provide the money to buy the construction materials and the teacher provided the labor.  This cost $348. We also donated a tin for the roof for the kitchen so he could have some shade while he cooked.  This cost $85. Next on the wish list for this school is electricity. This will be our next project and will cost $800.

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